Latest Episodes
Popular Author Jennifer Rothschild on How Her Loss of Sight Gave Her a Clearer Focus of Heaven
For better or for worse, we have all heard the phrase, “Go to hell.” While considered a coarse and crass thing to say, this snide directive is seen as sarcasm and neve...
Singer/Songwriter Jeannie Ortega on How ‘Letting Go’ is Her Musical Surrender
From the ghettos of Brooklyn, New York, to a successful singing career, to a stunning restoration in Jesus, Jeannie Ortega, a contemporary Christian musical artist, fo...
Rev. Samuel Rodriguez on Whether the Holy Spirit Makes You 'Weird or Wired'
Even for the most devout people of faith, the Holy Spirit can be mysterious and the least understood person of the Holy Trinity.Bible scholars point to Abrahamic relig...
It’s Beginning to Sound a Lot Like Christmas ... Gospel Vocalist Anthony Evans on ‘The Greatest Gift’
In what has become a time honored tradition, my wife and I spend the first Saturday morning in December wrestling with a Christmas tree.And for the twentieth year in a...
Filmmaker Todd Komarnicki on What Fueled Dietrich Bonhoeffer to Be a Pastor, Spy, and Assassin
In a world not too far removed from our past, a young pastor and author named Dietrich Bonhoeffer and a small group of dissidents worked tirelessly to dismantle the Th...