Reality TV Star Lydia McLaughlin on How to Best Lead a Life of Joy

Unfortunately, we live in a world that encourages instant gratification, promoting must-have brands, conveniences, and luxuries. The problem with this is that the gnawing-feeling of dissatisfaction often results.

In our quest for lasting contentment we often come to the realization that it cannot be found through worldly things. And furthermore, it is vital that we understand that Jesus wants our hearts to overflow with joy.

Drawing from her experiences as a cast member on the long-running reality series, “The Real Housewives of Orange County”, Lydia Mclaughlin believes that by pursuing Biblical obedience in our lives, it is then that we find true freedom in Christ.

In her latest book, “Joyfull”, a devotional for women, McLaughlin reminds us that we are most grateful when we shift our focus over to God who offers us true contentment. She has first-hand experience with this as she and her mother learned to be grateful through her mother’s recent cancer journey.

McLauglin joins us on the Crossmap Podcast to talk about seeking and finding the joy God has for you. Listen as Lydia shares what to say to people who believe that lasting joy can only be found in worldly pursuits and not the things of God.

Links to Lydia Mclaughlin
Links to Crossmap
Reality TV Star Lydia McLaughlin on How to Best Lead a Life of Joy
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