Filmmaker Eric Swithin Calls on the Church to Curb the Fatherless Epidemic in America

While our nation rages on and on about a host of topics including wokeness, gender ideology, and critical race theory, we may be blinding ourselves to the most pressing issue in America … fatherlessness.

Consider these staggering statistics:

- 18 million kids here in the United States live without a biological, step, or adoptive father present in the home.
- 85 percent of youth in prison come from a fatherless home.
- 1 in every 3 pregnancies in a fatherless home end in abortion.
- 63% of youth suicide victims come from a fatherless home.

Could it be the root of all of our problems can be found in the sobering fact that so many of our children are not being exposed to a male role model early enough in life?

While everyone attempts to solve our societal ills by treating symptoms, the Church (with a Capital C) is being called to fight the issue at its roots.

Founder of The Alliance for Ending the Fatherless Epidemic, Eric Swithin, believes the solution to curing the epidemic is not to outsource it to the government but to mobilize the Church and wage war against the enemy decimating our homes. In his new documentary, “The Fatherless Epidemic”, Swithin points out that the 21st Century version of a widow is the single mom and the orphan is a fatherless kid. The key to erasing the fatherless epidemic? Mentorship. And that’s where the Church comes in.

Swithin joins us on the Crossmap Podcast to talk about why fatherlessness has become the most pressing issue in America. Listen as he shares how churches and ministries can come alongside fatherless children to provide the nurturing and care they need to become happy, emotionally healthy adults.

The Alliance for Ending the Fatherless Epidemic
Links to Crossmap
Filmmaker Eric Swithin Calls on the Church to Curb the Fatherless Epidemic in America
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